About Us

Derrica Webb - Founder (CEO), Self Care Thought-Leader in Sleep Innovation
Derrica Webb is the founder of XZOOD International, a company dedicated to improving the quality of sleep through essential products and services.
Started over five years ago as a luxury sleepwear company inspired by her grandmother’s sophistication in her satin robes, hair bonnets and furry slippers, XZOOD has expanded into a lifestyle and wellness brand. As a Human Resources Executive, Derrica became very concerned about her own sleep and overall well being. She began to make adjustments in her sleep patterns, nightly routines and continued to sleep in her designer sleepwear. She saw results that improved her overall mood, and productivity. Derrica realized that there weren’t many people talking about the importance of sleep. Her passion is to share with people how to make minor adjustments that can go a long way in improving their rest and boosting confidence.
Derrica has a Fashion Design degree and an eye for comfort, which is why the company has launched its Essentials line . It has always been about designing a product that is relevant and “essential” to our sleep while maintaining the quality and luxury that our brand is known for.
Our sleepwear is a luxury and essential component to a good night’s sleep and boost of confidence to provide an overall self care experience.
Follow us on Instagram @xzood_sleepwear, Facebook Xzood , and join our mailing list for updates.
Derrica Webb, Derrica Webb - Founder (CEO), Self Care Thought-Leader in Sleep Innovation